Friday, 24 May 2019

creche du bois gentil - kiwi creche

kiwi creche: is a place were young kiwi spend their time in a preterter proof fenced in enclosure and later on released when there oldernoth to fend off predators there territory is usually around 1.5 km large

Room 8 and room 7 got the opportunity to witness the important kiwi we were trusted  to see the kiwi up close and learn all about them. when we arrived at the kiwi creche the first thing we done was the breathing like stay quiet and so on all the boring stuff then we got sorted into 2 groups. then we had to go through the door thing the door is created so then people can enter into a mini cage then we shut the door we went into and opined the other door that went inside the kiwi creche then we went to a cottage thing were the told us were we will be going. i was staying at the information cottage thing to learn about the traps and how they work then we went to see the kiwi before we went ray one of the workers of the crèches works showed us how they found the kiwis they have little thing on the kiwis feet that send signals to a receiver it was cool when we were close to the kiwi we had to be really quiet the kiwi was so cute

and that sums up the day

Wednesday, 8 May 2019

coordinates and map-work blog post

warning cheesy ending 

lately in class we have being learning about coordinates and map-work, as well as compass work
like how many directions in a compass easy 16 of them. north,north-northeast,northeast,east-northeast,east,east-southeast, so on or how to navigate a map like rotating the map to the direction you going this way you have a working compass and so much more i remember drawing maps for the upcoming treasure hunt. or a extremely detailed floor plan for the school

but out of all of them i liked the treasure hunt i was not doing it because i helped set it up but it was fun helping other people find the treasure as well as tagging along with eating the chocolate prize at the end yes that was a good day for everyone

all and all i say if i got lost in the bush with only a compass im getting out there or if i got gavin a page full a coordinates i'm gonna find that prize at the end

but seriale i think i've succeeded in completing my job as a student and participating in every choice  giving to me and every good chance to learn some valuable lesson for my future i can say i understand how to read coordinates and map-work now and im proud of that effort