Monday, 5 August 2019

IT SNOWED !!!!!!!

this weekend it snowed..... not a big ideal right ? it is especially for a PLACE THAT HAVENT SEEN A DROP of SNOW FOR 5 ish years some of the 11 year old student haven't even seen snow before. This happening was a surprise for all of us this is what happens in my weekends

i stayed home for most of the 2 days and hid under my blankets watching YouTube all day
i'm living the live here and it was my dad's birthday so we had fish and chips for breakfast morning tea lunch and dinner........ i'm kidding only for tea man your over sensitive

it snowed white .... like it was supposed to most people didn't know but on the weather it did say it was going to snow soooooooooo yep i had fun still i rolled in it .. i regretted it  my FINGERS DIED and not only that but i also made a smallman it was smool and snow i put a carrot on its face the DOGS KILLED IT me was sad

that sums up my life bye  


  1. Hi Regan,
    Your weekend sounded really fun!! Keep up the great work!

  2. hello Regan i feel sorry for your snowman
    dont stop the good writing!

  3. hi regan I hope it was so fun in the snow at school.


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