Friday, 30 August 2019


a few days ago in a land far far away we lost every Netball game 
............ we lost every game but i guess at least we had fun ? 
okay so this is how it went down a few days ago. 
we practiced for like 3 weeks or was it two all i know is that we didn't have a long time of practice.
Then when the day came we arrived in a car and got pumped for the games most of all the year 7s were told they are playing ALL of the games me included i was mentally preparing myself for probably the most running i have done in my life. My legs fried in my lack of water that was frozen in my drink bottle first regret was i forgot to put my water in the fridge to melt ... i had to wait for it to melt before drinking ..... anyway the first game came and me myself and i were in gole keep i was agent same big tall girl and we were playing a all girl team then 2en flyed by and then 3rd flew by then 4th flew by the end all of the games were finished ... i forgot 1 game the worst .. the only .. the hardest at same point i changed to Gole defence it was a lot funner we lost every game as i have said 

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