Wednesday, 18 November 2020

Chickens 2.0

Chickens are cool pets because Its absolutely tragic you peoples cant see how truely amazing chickens are Now is the time humans see how awsome chickens are as pets Chickens can tell the differences between more than 100 faces of their own species. When you look at a chicken in a pen of many more of the same breed, the same feathers and faces can you tell who is who? Chickens can. Your common farm bird can tell whos who from more than a hundred faces. This bird has been known from scientist to have amazing memories they can remember up to the moment they are hatched to the moment they die. You may have heard of a peaking order? A peeking order is when a flock of birds or in this case chickens form a social order each indervitual chicken has her or his role or label in his or her a peeking order the peeking order refurs to a chickens domonce in their flock its pretty cool right? This formonome is a natural instinct formed by chickens scientist have been researching chickens complex social structure for many years its quite fasicateing


  1. Hi Regan,

    You are a good advocate for the common farm chicken, I can see you really value them.
    Wow, they have an amazing memory! I have seen my own chickens making sure the pecking order was established, sometimes it's hard to be a chicken.

    Thanks Regan
    Mrs Devlin

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Thank you :)

  2. Hello Regan,
    I have never owned chickens but from what my chicken owner friends tell me chickens are certainly very valuable and you have certainly conveyed the same opinion. Well done.


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