St Johns first aid workshop
today same first aid specialist came to school and talked to us about first aid only the beginnings of basic first aid
the person that came to talk to us explained what the short word for doctor is D R S A B C D what means
Danger : ensure safety of yourself others and the patient
Response : check for response "can you hear me ?"
Send for help : if on response call and emergency number
Airway : tilt the head back and lift the chin
Breathing : look and listen for breathing
that's as far as we were allowed to go
then we got to test it in pears jess and i teamed up
i were to be a floppy unconscious half dead person so jess can poison me again with random plants
JK ( nearly poisoned me ) then she was to check all of D R S B C D she forgot to do a lot of things and failed a lot then it was to be jess's turn to be a floppy fish suffocating on her tongue i didn't mess up at all..... JESS... than then we moved onto wrapping rubish up AKA JESS arm..... well actually my arm got wraped by her first but she failed a lot ... JESS.... anyways i wrapped her arm perfectly NO MISTAKES then we were told to get into groups of 3 ( me jess zac ) and then she went onto saying most of us know what a first aid kit is ( we all agreed ) but then suddenly the glowing sun shined down on her as she tburst the truth and talks for a long time .... we got into groups ( me zac and jess won with harry's group ) with 16 points in our paper we were ready to take them on..... Poooooof THE INSTRUCTOR COULD OF TOLD US THAT IS WAS NOT A CHALLENGE
the end of Regan's amazing adventures ..........